Shop opening hours 11:00 - 16:30 Closed Sun & Wed

Whats in store

Our Rothesay shop stocks our Ettrick & Rothesay standard gins alongside our liqueurs such as Limoncello & famous Heidrun whisky liqueur.

In store you can also pickup barware such as glasses & measures. We also stock branded merchandise & local gifts celebrating the best of the Isle of Bute & Scotland.

Explore something sweet

Bute Bramble

29% ABV Gin Liqueur

Chocolate Toffee

20.8% ABV Vodka Liqueur

salted caramel

29% ABV Rum Liqueur


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Age verification

To visit our website, you must be the appropriate age at which the purchase and consumption of alcohol is permitted according to the legislation in your country of residence. If there are no laws on this matter then you must be at least 18 years old as currently required in Scotland


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